Driven by Analytics: Orchestrating Data-Driven Processes for an Efficient Enterprise

Our planet currently contains 332,519,000 cubic miles of water. This figure is sure to cast some doubt on the water crisis. But in reality, 97.5% of this water is trapped in the oceans, rendering it unusable. The 2.5% freshwater we can use is either trapped in the ice caps or polluted for various reasons. It leaves us with only a tiny fraction of usable water (<0.5%).
But why are we suddenly talking about water?
Today, data is equated with water. Like water is critical to sustaining any life form, data is also crucial to business survival. But that’s not the only similarity they share.
Just like how we can only use a fraction of the total water on the planet, businesses can only access a small part of their organizational data. This is due to the increasing data silos being created by the data deluge. As enterprises add numerous internal and external systems to gather more data, they are invariably creating more silos. You can think of this siloed data as freshwater trapped in ice caps. Moreover, there’s now an increased chance of data duplication and regressing data quality, which makes them useless.
As a result, businesses find it challenging to embark on data-driven process orchestration. Poor quality data and a lack of end-to-end process visibility hamper their operational efficiency and impede their time to market.
How Microsoft Fabric is Changing the Game
Microsoft has launched its flagship Microsoft Fabric to address this very challenge. It is a bespoke analytics and data platform for businesses looking to establish data-driven process orchestration. Microsoft Fabric covers the entire end-to-end data lifecycle, be it ingestion, processing, movement, real-time event routing, transformation, or report building. Businesses can thus access a variety of self-serving capabilities like data engineering, warehousing, and real-time analytics through interactive interfaces.
Microsoft Fabric allows centralized data storage with Microsoft OneLake. In addition to OneLake, Fabric draws on the capabilities of Power BI, Azure Data Factory, Azure Synapse Analytics, Purview, and other services into a unified environment, which can be customized to meet any data requirement and subsequent process orchestration. The best part? Fabric has embedded AI capabilities, meaning businesses no longer need to get manually involved in the process; instead, they can focus on their customers.
Introducing Fabricator – A Unified Workbench for Microsoft Fabric
At Tech Mahindra, we aim to streamline data-driven process orchestration even more. That’s why we have created a metadata-driven, unified workbench for Microsoft Fabric dubbed Fabricator. It is a no-code/low-code platform with self-service capabilities that seamlessly integrates a selection of Tech Mahindra’s IPs and accelerators with Fabric and acts as a force multiplier. Now, every business user can access previously inaccessible organizational data to orchestrate and automate data-driven processes even more effectively.
Fabricator essentially modernizes your entire data pipeline, from ingestion to consumption. To help you assess your legacy data, Fabricator draws on Tech Mahindra InfoWise's metadata-driven data audit and governance capabilities. Tech Mahindra’s Sprinter, on the other hand, speeds up data migration and consolidation to OneLake.
Once the data is migrated, the other pre-built frameworks can be used to modernize your data ingestion layer. Tech Mahindra’s CDIF and MDQoS can help set up metadata-driven ingestion and data quality controls. CDIF enables delta ingestion to keep data up-to-date, while MDQoS ensures that data quality is maintained across the layers of OneLake. iDecisions offers additional support with its pre-built data model and business KPI orchestration framework, which expedites data warehouse design and delivery.
What's more, additional Tech Mahindra’s IPs help you modernize your consumption layer and unlock a new paradigm of self-service data science capabilities. With Data Mesh, you can exchange data products across the enterprise, visualize them through self-service BI with VaaS, and uncover previously hidden actionable insights leveraging the integrated GenAI tool the integrated suits of Generative AI solutions.
To ensure continuous data observability, our AI-enabled VuData framework can be used to monitor your system and data health in real time. VuData also recommends both proactive and reactive measures to improve the health of the data and system.
With all these benefits combined, you not only get a cutting-edge platform for deploying data-driven processes but also ensure the security of enterprise data by design. With Fabricator, you have all the tools your data professionals need at your fingertips. It acts as a single touchpoint for integration, orchestration, and process automation with Metadata, simplifies E2E business process integration, and maintains data integrity. It also enables building and scaling analytical services faster and offers self-serving capabilities across layers.
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Toward a Data-Driven Future
There’s no denying that the ongoing data deluge is going to stop anytime soon. It will rather continue to add more and more data points to the existing mix. Ensuring your data-driven processes perform as intended and making the most of the data deluge is the only way forward. Tech Mahindra’s Fabricator, together with Microsoft, is determined to help businesses embrace data-driven operations with end-to-end visibility and good, quality data. Reach out today to discuss how we can speed up your data journey and time-to-market!

Saurabh has over 21 years of global experience, having worked across India, Europe, the UK, and the US. Saurabh Jha is Tech Mahindra's Senior Vice President and Global Head of Data and Analytics (D&A).More
Saurabh has over 21 years of global experience, having worked across India, Europe, the UK, and the US. Saurabh Jha is Tech Mahindra's Senior Vice President and Global Head of Data and Analytics (D&A). This practice helps enterprises strategize, design, implement, and deliver data and analytics, data on the cloud, and AI-related transformation initiatives of setting up new teams and regions, planning and executing go-to-market strategies, leading global alliances, and advising customers on effective alignment between their business goals and the latest digital technologies. Previously, he has held strategic roles at Oracle, KPMG, and Mphasis, advising clients across industries and leading regional expansions.