SMART+ focuses on providing employable, market-related entrepreneurial skills and opportunities to youth with disabilities. Specially designed curricula and well-equipped classrooms in our centres allow young people with disabilities to acquire essential foundation skills, including basic IT, spoken English, and workplace readiness. The program facilitates the hiring of youth with disabilities in the service industry with continued support throughout their careers.
Making learning inclusive
Disability is one of the key focus areas for the Tech Mahindra Foundation. We believe that education and skill-building could be key in empowering persons with disabilities (PwDs). Our programs, ARISE+ (All Round Improvement in School Education for Children with Disabilities) and SMART+ (Skills-for-Market Training for People with Disabilities), embody our commitment to the cause. 10% of our beneficiaries have been persons with disabilities.

ARISE+ (All Round Improvement in School Education for Children with Disabilities)
ARISE+ encourages children with disabilities such as visual impairment, hearing impairment, and intellectual disability to become a part of mainstream education. This is done with an emphasis on various educational and therapy-based learnings and access to assistive technologies to improve the quality of education.