Tech Mahindra with Spacee at Gartner Supply Chain Symposium/Xpo™ 2022

Transform Your Supply Chain
Tech Mahindra is ecstatic to partner with Spacee, a disruptor in Computer Vision and AI technologies, at an exciting conclave of CSCOs and Supply Chain Executives™ at the Gartner Supply Chain Symposium/XPO!
Come visit us at Booth #227 to learn how we are using cutting edge capabilities in machine learning to solve inventory visibility problems across customer stores. You will also see how we are stretching these ideas to offer an enhanced experience to our customer’s customers.
About our Partner:
Spacee brings Real-time actionable data and insights powered by computer vision and artificial intelligence. Their products such as: Deming, Hover Touch and Analytics brings immense value proposition for the customers in terms of generating and collating data at the edge and leveraging that increasing sales, savings costs and easing out your supply chain and logistics decision making. Tech Mahindra enables seamless integration of these products with end-to-end intelligent supply chain solutions, making this collaboration an unmatched duo in Supply Chain Solutions.
About Tech Mahindra
Tech Mahindra, part of the Mahindra group, offers innovative and customer-centric digital experiences, enabling enterprises, associates, and the society to Rise. We are a USD 6 billion organization with 151,100+ professionals across 90 countries helping 1224 global customers, including Fortune 500 companies. We are focused on leveraging next-generation technologies including 5G, blockchain, artificial intelligence, digital twins and more to build resilient and predictable supply chains for our customers globally. Know more about our supply chain solutions:
Event Details
Spacee Team at the event