Tech Mahindra & U.S. Based Orbic Partner to Develop a ‘5G Device Portfolio’ For the Global Markets

Plan to launch 5G devices in 2020 in U.S. and globally
Tech Mahindra Ltd., a leading provider of digital transformation, consulting and business reengineering services and solutions and U.S.-based Orbic will partner to develop a series of 5G devices for the global markets.
The co-development of the 5G device portfolio will include a Smartphone, Tablet, Hotspot and Home Router. The 5G devices will be launched in the United States and the global markets during 2020.
Manish Vyas, President CME and CEO of Network Services, Tech Mahindra, said, “Tech Mahindra is excited to be part of this pioneering journey with Orbic in bringing 5G devices to the global markets. It’s a unique partnership that will co- design and co-create a 5G device portfolio in India and the U.S.”
Mike Narula , CEO, Orbic said, “AT MWC Barcelona, we are excited to enter the 5G Race in partnership with a powerhouse like Tech Mahindra and feel proud for "Orbic" to introduce India's first 5G devices to the global markets.”
“Our collaboration with Orbic is a significant stepping stone to the 5G world as we develop a cutting edge 5G devices portfolio together. This will be first of its kind 5G device portfolio in the market place,” said Karthikeyan Natarajan, Global Head, Engineering, IoT & Enterprise Mobility, Tech Mahindra.
Tech Mahindra continues to drive collaborative disruption with its 5G partners like Orbic as a part of its TechMNxt charter.
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Abhilasha Gupta, Global Corporate Communications and Public Affairs