Green Data Centers: Powering the Digital Transformation Responsibly
Green data center is an energy efficient facility which supports an organization’s net-zero goals by utilizing minimal electricity power, water, green IT procurements, renewable energy sources to have positive impact on the environment and boost for sustainable goals of the enterprise.
Compelling Forces Driving the Adoption of Green Data Centers
The global demand for the green data center is increasing day by day.
Data centers also use significant amounts of water on-site primarily for their HVAC system comprising of higher load demanding equipment like Chillers, associated pumps, cooling towers, heat exchangers / condensers, and computer room air conditioner (CRAC) or computer room air handler (CRAH) units. A typical hyper scale data center consumes water for cooling systems that can serve multiple communities and so this calls for effective management of water usage effectiveness (WUE) which also plays an important role along with power usage effectiveness (PUE) and carbon usage effectiveness (CUE).
Our Commitment to Support Green Data Centers
A green data center implements a comprehensive cost-effective package by implementing green IT solutions like virtualization of servers, rack space, improved performance per watt, optimal usage of cooling, there by contributing towards sustainability goals. We want to help our data center customers to comply with environmental regulations and the larger goal of corporate social responsibility (CSR) which is becoming imperative for their greater sustainability goals. There are several challenges and considerations for an effective Green DC implementation. Some of them are:
- Bench marking and monitoring
- Optimizing air conditioning usage
- Lack of monitoring of rack temperatures, power consumption at various levels
- Server virtualization and replacing old IT systems
- Continuous monitoring of key KPIs like PUE, WUE, and CUE and calibrate further if there is a room for improvement in arriving at desired values.
At Tech Mahindra, we help our customers overcome these challenges to realize their green data center aspirations, by providing comprehensive solutions along with global partnerships to implement these solutions at the global scale. The spectrum of solutions can range from strategic to operational. Our strong cloud and infrastructure services combined with sustainability provides unmatched experience to implement on ground green DC solutions for customers.
- Identify the current consumption and baselining
- Recommendations and implementation of IoT sensors for efficiency monitoring
- Implementing energy monitoring systems for arriving at power usage efficiency (PUE) and continuous tracking
- Analytics driven techniques to energy reduction for effective air conditioning operations
- Full stack solutions for complete data center energy efficiency improvement with IoT smart platform and analytics
- End to end data center management for a Green DC, including server placement, virtualization, green procurement, and green disposal
Charting the Course of Sustainability with Green Data Centers
Reach out to us - TechM Sustainability Offerings Environmental, Social and Governance ( to know more.