Generative AI Services and Solutions | Tech Mahindra

Amplify Your Business Responsibly with the Power of GenAI

With generative AI, code creators, content creators, and response creators are experiencing disruptions, while product design creators, process creators and knowledge creators are being amplified. At Tech Mahindra, we are fully investing in this duality. We help you infuse generative AI in every aspect of your business, democratizing it responsibly.

Generative AI Solutions and Offerings

Our design thinking led approach and frameworks help identify GenAI opportunities lurking in your organization. Our experts identify the right GenAI strategy and roadmap for your organization.

Evangelize AI-based Pair Programing

Enabling enterprises to build new-age developer ecosystem in a structured and responsible manner, for bringing organizational efficiency, productivity, and better business outcomes.

Our principle of “fail fast to learn faster” is enabled by an ecosystem of experimentation. Our AI Labs for innovative opportunities, enables us along with partners or clients to co-innovate.

XaaS (Xperiment as a service)

Empowering our clients to co-research and co-create generative AI models and tasks, providing them with increased speed and agility by validating new ideas, without investing significant time and resources.

Generative AI Studio

A virtual experimentation space, enabling enterprises to generate code, text, image, data, audio, video with 10+ model families and 50+ prebuilt generative AI capabilities.

We help you leverage your data and AI assets across the organization with our GenAI solutions to scale up on your AI journey. Our Gen AI enablement programs help accelerate the democratization of this tech.

Gen AI-driven Conversational Analytics

Our offerings enhance user bot experience and adoption with improved intent mapping and conversations.

Build Custom Generative AI studio

Custom studios for our customers to experiment with and create quick PoCs and Pilot for their specific use cases.

Build Pre-trained Domain LLM

Building foundation models for enterprise specific data and co-partnering with clients for building domain specific LLM.

Enterprise Knowledge Search

Leveraging large language models (LLMs), this solution increases efficiency and personalization, unlocks the full potential of enterprise data, and presents a multi-modal, multi-channel search experience.

Synthetic Data Generation

Data augmentation for machine learning models and testing the new applications being developed.

We help your organization realize the benefits of GenAI with the right ecosystem and sustain your framework for ethical and reliable models along with a robust AI governance model.

Responsible AI Adoption

Establishing transparent, unbiased, fair and interpretable AI-powered decision-making process while also adapting to industry specific regulations.


Our amplifAIers

Reinvent, recharge, raise your business growth responsibly with the power of our GenAI powered amplifAIers. Our amplifAIers are the GenAI copilots to provide end-to-end solution for specific business process/role.

Email amplifAIer

A cognitive email response solution for all the email needs of a contact center.

Vision amplifAIer

A smart data scientist to empower business analysts by reducing dependency for VisionAI work.

Ops amplifAIer

A copilot for IT support engineers to amplify IT operations.

Document amplifAIer

A digital assistant to unlock the full value of documents with training-less content extraction, summarization, and intelligent document operations.

Leading the Way


White Paper

Harnessing the Power of NLP


White Paper

Use of Large Language Models (LLM) in Contact Centres


Case Study

Enhancing Large Language AI Model with Generative/ Conversational AI Technology

Thought Leadership



From Code to Commerce: GenAI’s Impact on Modern Businesses



Mastering Decision Excellence: Pitfalls to Avoid with Generative AI



Ushering in a New Era of Generative AI in Insurance



Generative AI: A Paradigm Shift from Content Creation to Product Development


Press Release

Launch of Generative AI Powered Vision amplifAIer, a Smart Data Scientist for Business Analysts


Press Release

Tech Mahindra Launches Generative AI Powered Ops amplifAIer


Press Release

Tech Mahindra Partners with Google to Launch Generative AI Powered Email amplifAIer


Press Release

Tech Mahindra Integrates Microsoft Azure OpenAI to Boost Enterprise Knowledge Search

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Press Release

Tech Mahindra Unveils Generative AI Studio to Help Enterprises Bootstrap Generative AI

"Google Cloud’s generative AI capabilities can add real world value for organizations working across every industry, particularly in areas where data privacy and security are paramount. New services and solutions from partners like Tech Mahindra will scale these capabilities to customers more quickly and effectively, and create even more opportunities for organizations to accelerate their AI-driven transformations."
By Chandra Sankholkar, Director, Google Cloud Partnerships, India
"Tech Mahindra’s offering integrates Microsoft Azure AI to enable enterprises to tap into Generative AI, unlock the full potential of their data, and create a multi-modal multi-channel search experience. This will not only enhance effectiveness and personalization, but also boost employee productivity and satisfaction."
Sangita Singh, General Manager IT&ITES, Microsoft India

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