
What We Offer

A platform for enterprises and gig workers to collaborate and create faster, accurate AI-driven solutions.

Accelerated Market Entry
Swift Deployment of Freelancers, Rapidly Bringing Your Projects to Fruition
Seamless Scalability
Effortless Expansion Tailored to Your Enterprise
Secured Crowd Participation
Engage With Confidence and Data Security
Precision Data Excellence
Access High-Quality, Accurate Data Effortlessly
Skill-Centric Opportunities
Diverse Gigs Aligning with Your Strength
Flexible Work Dynamics
Embrace Work on Your Flexibility with Ease

Service Offerings

For Enterprises

Data-driven Insights

Leverage the collective intelligence of the crowd to obtain valuable data and analytics for informed decision-making.

Cost-effective Problem Solving

Access a cost-efficient approach to problem solving by engaging a crowd of experts, reducing the need for extensive in-house resources.

Rapid Innovation Sourcing

Quickly tap into a diverse crowd to gather innovative ideas and solutions for your business challenges.

Efficient Task Delegation

Streamline work processes by assigning tasks to a skilled crowd, ensuring swift and effective project completion.

Scalable Talent Pool

Access a scalable and diverse talent pool, allowing your enterprise to adapt and scale according to project needs without long-term hiring commitment.

For Gig Workers

Diverse Online Micro Jobs

Access a range of diverse projects and opportunities tailored to your skill set and expertise. Annotation / Labeling. Content Tasks. Ad Relevance.

User Research Studies

Get rewarded for participating in diverse research studies on health-tech, behavioral studies, focused group studies and online surveys, etc.

Remote Gig Work

Enjoy the freedom to work as per your flexible schedules and remote collaboration options.

Automated & Fair Payments

Benefit from quick and automated payment processes, ensuring timely compensation for your work.

Upskilling Opportunities

Explore avenues for continuous learning and skill enhancement to stay competitive in the evolving AI-driven job market.

Everything you Need to Know

Meet Our Leadership

  • Dhananjay Deshmukh
    Vice President, Crowdsourcing, Business Process Services
  • Mothiraj Ramalingam
    General Manager, Digital Data Services, Business Process Services

Discover how Populii assists enterprises build top-tier AI solutions quickly by collaborating with a skilled gig workforce.

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Dark Mode

One of the world's first website to run on Dark Mode by default.

Brightness Control

Adjust the brightness as suited.

Hibernate Mode

Save energy when you're not looking at your screen.

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The Eco Engine

Reduce your carbon footprint using any of these modes.
  • Dark Mode
    One of the world's first website to run on Dark Mode by default.
  • Brightness Control
    Adjust the brightness as suited.
  • Hibernate Mode
    Save energy when you're not looking at your screen.